on drawing

the process of drawing engages every
component of the human nervous system.
it is responsive, descriptive, and adaptive;
capable of accommodating, documenting,
and weathering history's most radical
revisions and paradigm shifts.

drawing mediates the raw material
of sensation and telegraphs its by-
products in code. the mark establishes
a literal and metaphoric distance which
implicates the whole as irrevocable—
a subjective space composed of "gaps"
whose fractions proliferate as systems
of belief and disbelief.

drawing, as i employ it, encourages
and facilitates a kind of evolutionary
thinking. using technical materials
whose original purposes are often
obsolete or outdated, my drawing
practice illuminates, inverts, and skews
certain received notions of authenticity,
skill and prowess, personal expression,
and meaning by opening up unexpected
vistas for those willing to venture into
the unfamiliar without a guide.

my work gives shape to non-retinal
conditions that normally go unseen.
it insinuates a "delay" in the perceptual
filters we use to organize and make
sense of the world.

it presents evidence of my having had
the will to work, to make, and to see.

oakland, california   |    june 2006  (rev. 05.23)

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