Jay Tracy Studios : art studio : works on paper : thermogenic drawings : heliogenic drawings : photograms : mixed-media paintings : www.jaytracy.com/art.html
Jay Tracy Studios : design studio : design leadership : art direction : graphic design : technical communication : project management : www.jaytracy.com/design.html
www.jaytracy.com : the official web site of Jay Tracy, featuring recent mixed media paintings and experimental works on paper, including thermogenic (heat-receptive) and heliogenic and photogenic (light sensitive) drawings, unique photograms, and more. links to the artist's biography, curriculum vitae and exhibition history, plus selected writings and contact information. keywords: contemporary American art, post-conceptual, post-conceptualism, non-objective art, non-objectivity, abstraction, abstract art, the spiritual in art, synaesthesia, shadow play, image as object, object as image, cameraless photography, post-minimalism, slow art, light-sensitive, heat-sensitive, thermochemical change, thermochemical response, heat gradients, light gradients, photogenic drawing, process art, photo actinism, actinism, actinic, Van Dyke brown print
www.jaytracy.com/design.html : the official web site of Jay Tracy Studios : offering concept-through-production (CTP) design project management : art direction, graphic design, technical communication and project management support for large and small business in the private, public, government and nonprofit sectors : specializing in marketing and communication solutions for clients in the arts and sciences. www.jaytracy.com/design.html : featuring a portfolio of design samples : corporate identity systems : capabilities, product, program and project marketing : publications design, including annual reports, scientific journals, technical briefs, newsletters, brochures and other collateral : web design : large-format graphic design : environmental graphics : museum exhibit design : technical illustration : scientific illustration : display advertising : statistical data graphics : information design. keywords: design manager, art direction, art director, senior graphic designer, technical communication, science marketing, corporate branding, brand management, marketing campaigns, corporate communication, communication planning, project management, publications management, information design, web design, business proposal development, presentation graphics, identity systems, stationery systems, collateral systems, photo art direction, photo illustration, photo styling, photo montage, image editing

Site design © Jay Tracy Studios. All site content © Jay Tracy or Jay Tracy Studios, except where indicated. All rights reserved.